Who We Are

In 2020, during the peak of the pandemic, our founder Alec found himself grappling with a dilemma familiar to many households worldwide. As online grocery orders surged, so did the influx of single-use plastic packaging into his home. The sight of mounting plastic waste weighed heavily on his conscience, stirring a deep-seated concern for the environment.

Determined to turn this challenge into an opportunity for positive change, Alec embarked on a mission to create a sustainable solution. Inspired by his vision to reduce plastic waste and promote eco-friendly practices, Bazar365 was born.

At Bazar365, our commitment to sustainability is woven into the fabric of our identity. From the outset, we envisioned a platform that not only offered convenience but also prioritized environmental responsibility. With this in mind, we set out to revolutionize the online grocery shopping experience.

Our solution was simple yet profound: to provide customers with an alternative that minimized plastic waste without compromising on quality or convenience. We implemented a comprehensive approach to sustainability, from eco-friendly packaging to innovative recycling initiatives. To date, Bazar365 has responsibly consumed 5,500+ kilograms of plastic while also recycling 1,450 kgs of plastic materials, making a significant impact on reducing plastic waste.

Today, Bazar365 stands as a testament to our founder's vision and our collective commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. With every order placed, we continue to uphold our promise of reducing plastic waste and promoting eco-friendly practices.

As we look to the future, our journey is far from over. We remain dedicated to pioneering new ways to minimize our environmental impact while empowering our customers to make eco-conscious choices. Together, we are rewriting the narrative of online grocery shopping, one sustainable solution at a time.

Join us on our mission to create a healthier planet for generations to come. Shop with Bazar365 and be a part of the change we wish to see in the world.






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